Hartford Charter Officers

Hartford Charter Officers

50th anniversary party

50th anniversary party

First members

First members

NAWIC WIC partners 2016

NAWIC WIC partners 2016

Nawic Hartford Chapter #165 presented a Sexual Harassment Prevention Awareness Day on October 3, 2019. CT Saud Anwar a proud sponsor of the "Time's Up" Act spoke on the revised legislation. The Connecticut Office of the Commission on Human Rights an…

Nawic Hartford Chapter #165 presented a Sexual Harassment Prevention Awareness Day on October 3, 2019. CT Saud Anwar a proud sponsor of the "Time's Up" Act spoke on the revised legislation. The Connecticut Office of the Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities addressed the new requirements of the current statute. Proclamations were issued to the NAWIC chapter for their role from Governor Lamont, CT Senators Saud Anwar and John Larsons.

From left to right: Kimberly Ewald, Penny Nigro, Nancy Garthwaite, Donna Smith

Laura Mott

Laura Mott